FES 525: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Socio-Ecological Problems
This course introduces students to inter-, multi- and transdisciplinary approaches to socio-ecological problems, including terminology, assumptions, and analytical frameworks of different scientific fields. Teams of students are guided in the application of concepts, tools, and approaches in a final integrated analysis that typically results in proposed actions or policy recommendations and is conducted on behalf of forest interest-holders in Oregon. This is a required course for all graduate students in the Forest Ecosystems & Society department. (fall terms, co-taught with Dr. Reem Hajjar)
FES 511: Case Studies in Forests and Climate Change
As the penultimate requirement of the Forests & Climate Change graduate certificate program, this course guides students in identifying and developing topics to examine in their capstone projects on. Students examine scientific research, policy documents, and other materials to craft a detailed outline and workplan for completing their capstone project. This is a required course for all students in the Forests & Climate Change graduate certificate program. (fall terms, online)
FES 527: Forest Carbon Analysis for Assessments and Policy Agreements
This course examines the role of forests in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Topics covered include measurement, modeling, and projections of forest ecosystem carbon; forest carbon offsets and programs; and the evaluation of national and international policies for reducing GHG emissions and enhanced sequestration of carbon in forests. This is a core course for all students in the Forests & Climate Change graduate certificate program. (spring terms, online)