
I will be recruiting graduate students in the Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society for Fall 2023. Please check back soon for graduate school opportunities at OSU’s College of Forestry!

Contact guidelines

I encourage enthusiastic undergraduates and prospective graduate students to reach out. However, I receive a large number of emails and although I do my best to respond to all, your email may slip through the cracks. To help me get back to you in an efficient manner, please do the following:

Before you send an email, review some of my recent public ations and have a good understanding of my work and interests. When you send your email, please include:

  1. Your current CV as an attachment, highlighting your ability to conduct applied and/or pure research in the forest sciences

  2. A short (!) description of a) your background, b) your professional goals, c) a research topic that you are interested in pursuing, and d) why you are interested in FES/working with me.

  3. Contact information for two or more references

Fellowship opportunities

I also encourage interested students to apply for any and all fellowship opportunities that are applicable. I am happy to provide support for your application and feedback on your written proposal.